Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My apologies for Essay 2

I know we're supposed to post our draft of Essay 2 today.  And that we are choosing to read something we wrote, including the option of Essay 1 or 2.  I didn't really want to read something I have written in the past. True, there are many stories. But none that I have opened up with more than these 2 essays. So I have decided that I don't want to post my draft of Essay 2. At least not yet. I will post it tomorrow and open it up for any feedback or comments. But I have chosen this essay to read tonight. I really want to try it out as having everyone hear it for the first time. Not that I think it is some great work of art - it's just something I have decided I want to do.

I apologize if I'm going against the tide - but I can't help it. It's something I have to do for myself. Not that I don't trust anyone's response or criticism. It's only for my own personal knowledge. So I hope anyone reading this will understand or least just accept my decision. And I hope I don't disappoint tonight. Not so much the audience...but more myself.

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