Monday, October 18, 2010

Brainstorming for Essay 2

Is it time for brainstorming the 2nd essay already?! Whew-I feel like I'm still recovering from the first one. The deliberation on that was very conflicting.  Since I haven't had my conference yet (but will be this afternoon) I have only a vague idea about the feedback on my first essay.  I am really looking forward to this-it will help me see the aspects I could add or substract to make enrich the story more.

As for the second essay...I really am at a standstill.  Since I've cleared the debate with myself to write about myself, I could absolutely move forward with one of the other ideas I was toying around with. They would all make great stories - some poignant and moving, some joyous and moving. But do I maybe want to take another direction? Discuss something else? Something that I am passionate about and know plenty of information on? Hmmm....this is definitely going to take some deliberation and processing of my thoughts. I am one of those people whose mind is constantly racing - I do well for the most part in completing many of the lists in my head. However, when it comes to pulling those thoughts together to write out, it can be more of a challenge. Yet I love challenges, even if I'm reluctant to admit that. I somehow do well under pressure and have those lightbulb moments out of nowhere. It's just a matter of getting them together in a way that satisfies me. I am my own worst critic - as most of us are.

I am really looking forward to reading my classmates essays-I was very sick and unable to meet with my group on Wed. I hope that in reading and hearing them, my mind will open up even more. I'm sure I'll be left with a tough decision but I'd love more avenues to explore.

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