Monday, November 22, 2010

Audience for my work?

I add a question mark at the end of my title because I have no solid idea!  Honestly, I can picture my essay in something such as Guidepost or Reader's Digest.  Just a publication looking for an essay with a message I guess.  I don't have the length that many of these journals seem to be looking for.  I can add to my essays, but my concern is that I will become too wordy and lose "my voice" in the process, just to add length.

I have confidence that if my work fit into some publications requirements, they could be relatable to those reading.  Not to say that I think I'd get published, just that my essays stand for something many people can relate to on some level.  But that's where my confidence stops.  I haven't gotten a chance to look through all of our journal suggestions, or look beyond them.  But so far, I'm not really sure where mine would fit.  I enjoy reading essays of all different kinds, but tend to lean towards ones written with a sure purpose, and one that I don't have to struggle to figure out what it is.  I'm not judging those who write differently, or with complexity - I do enjoy that too!  But I just enjoy more the ones that "hit home."

I have yet to really come across something that seems like a fit.  I think I might be a little inimidated by this assignment, which makes me a little insecure.  At the same time though, I am excited to do this!  So I not only want to keep looking, but I want to reassure myself of my writing too so I can see where I "fit."

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