Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venues - Handout

Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venue                                                       Marjorie Papa

Publication Venue:  Crazyhorse
Their Mission:  “to publish the entire spectrum of today’s fiction, essays, and poetry - from the mainstream to the avant-garde, from the established to the undiscovered writer.”
·         Founded in 1960
·         Published writers have been recipients of awards such as the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award
·         Nonprofit literary journal that is funded by:
o   its subscribers
o   donors
o   the Department of English, and
o   the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the College of Charleston

Crazyhorse is proud to announce that production for selected issues is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.”
Editors’ interests:
·         original writing that engages in the work of honest communication
·         Asking questions such as:
o   "What's at stake in this writing?"
o   “What’s reckoned with that’s important for other people to read?”
·         publishing newcomers
·         publishing established writers
·         Always on the lookout for writing that doesn't fit the categories!!!!!!

**While this journal publishes fiction, poetry, and essays, its primary focus seems to be on fiction.  Second to that would be poetry.  In the 8 issues perused, there were only 9 essays among the writings.**

Essay Issue 78:  Brandon Davis Jennings Operation Iraqi Freedom is My Fault
·         Subject matter – truthful account of author’s war perspective from Saudi Arabia
·         Voice/tone – political commentary; dry sarcastic humor; sardonic; almost bitter
·         Form – realistic; true to author’s thoughts/feelings; memories/flashbacks
·         Artistry – narrative yet also journalistic; powerful and honest
·         Length – unknown/must be a subscriber to read full essay
Essay Issue 75:  Joelle Fraser Inspiration Point
·         Subject matter – author’s third person account of a tragedy from Sept. 23, 2006
o   Told to author by a woman Brenda
§  Brenda’s son and friend died after a school dance
·         Methadone had been sold to students
§  Brenda and husband discovered dead boys late next day
§  Two students charged with manslaughter
·         Voice/tone – somber; tragic; grieving
·         Form – journalistic with times and dates
·         Artistry – third person journalistic narrative; indirect voice
·         Length – unknown/must be subscriber for full text
Essay Issue 72:  Carolyn Walker Christian Becomes a Blur
·         Subject matter – first person account from author
o   Author is a mother to son Christian, age 12
o   Christian is disturbed
§  One doctor says therapy, but no medicine
·         Christian is “eccentric”
§  Another doctor diagnoses anxiety
o   Mother and father don’t know what to do
§  Christian “sees” a man who “wants to take his soul”
§  Christian is tense and won’t eat
·         Voice/tone – stressed; no humor; desperation
·         Form – narrative as an explanation to behavior?
o   Mother’s behavior as reaction
o   Son’s behavior in general
·         Artistry – pleading for understanding using narrative
·         Length – unknown/must be a subscriber

Submission Guidelines for Writers:
·         Submit up to two manuscripts per year between August 1 and May 31.
·         accepts simultaneous submissions (a submission of the same work sent to another publication)
Manuscript Reading Process:
·         manuscript is read by three different readers
o   the editors read all submissions in their respective genres
o   a Guest Editor reads your manuscript within a 300-manuscript set randomly assigned to him/her
o   a Crazyhorse intern or Student Reader reads that same randomly assigned set
How to prepare your manuscript:
·         Send a manuscript of up to 25 pages of fiction or essay, or 3-5 poems
·         Include a cover letter
·         Welcome to send up to two separate submissions per year
o   Asked to wait until you receive a reply regarding a submission before you upload the next one.
How to upload your manuscript file online:
·         Have an online account:
o   log in through the red box
o   click "Submit Manuscript" in the red box
·         Need to establish a new account:
o   click "Login Help" in the red box
o   click "New user? Click here to sign up" on the page
·         Upload a .pdf or .rtf file only
·         no submissions accepted by mail
Publication Rights and Author Payment:
·         First North American Serial Rights to published works
o   copyright for any works published in Crazyhorse revert to the author upon publication
·         request author’s permission to feature published works or excerpts on Crazyhorse's website and in its advertising
·         Payment for accepted work
o   $20-35 per page of layout
o   *depends on annual budget and grants received
Crazyhorse Prizes:
·         The Crazyhorse Fiction Prize
o   $2000
o   Published in Crazyhorse
·         The Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize
o   $2000
o   Published in Crazyhorse

***Submit your entry online or by mail
See Recent Winners and Judges for last year's winners and judges

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